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About the Yeshiva & Day School Team

Educational Consultant at The Jewish Education Project

His specialties:
administrative assistance, curriculum design

Penina is the primary advocate for NYCDOE and NYSED education programs, ensuring that schools receive the support, funding, and professional development needed for student success. She specializes in curricular improvement, assessment implementation, data collection, and other critical areas to help schools advance.

Senior Manager

Her specialties:
advocacy for schools to NYCDOE and NYSED education programs, curricular improvement, assessment implementation, data collection

Nabila supports schools participating in NYS Testing (ELA, Math, Science), NYSESLAT, and NYSITELL. She ensures that guidelines and deadlines are met and assists schools in navigating the NYSED Database. Nabila also provides State Testing Data Reports to help schools identify curriculum strengths and weaknesses. 

Senior Project Manager

Her specialties:
NYS testing (ELA, math, science), NYSESLAT, NYSITELL, NYSED database IT support, state testing data reports & analysis

Shay manages NYCDOE Title-funded programs, including Titles I, IIA, III, and IV. His work focuses on ensuring schools receive their entitled federal, state, and city funds, overseeing compliance with legal regulations, and managing the allocation and tracking of expenditures. As a Standing Committee member, Shay also advocates for schools and liaises with NYC DOE staff and third-party providers.

Manager, Government Funded Programs

His specialties:
NYCDOE Title-funded programs (Titles I, IIA, III, IV), government funds & compliance, expenditure allocation & tracking, advocating & liaising for schools

Tamar coordinates all our curriculum initiatives, supports schools with their curricular needs and manages the team’s website.

Project Administrator, Yeshiva Curricular Support

Her specialties:
curriculum initiatives, curricular support, web management

Sara leads the Yeshiva Day School Team, collaborating with Jewish and other faith-based communities to support religious and independent schools across New York City and New York State. She advocates for the rights of these schools through her roles as Chairperson of the NYSED Commissioner’s Advisory Council for Religious and Independent Schools and a member of the NYC Committee of Religious School Officials (Standing Committee). Sara also works with her team to secure millions in government education funds annually, offers professional development, and provides daily support to school leaders.

Senior Managing Director

Her specialties:
intercommunity collaboration, support and advocacy for NYS religious and independent schools, advises NYSED and NYCDOE, professional development for school leaders.

Senior Manager, Professional Learning and Growth - NY Yeshiva & Day Schools

His specialties:

Shelley provides comprehensive support and guidance for the NYS Regents Program, Hebrew Language Comprehensive Exam, Academic Calendars, and related areas. She is the primary contact for schools needing assistance with State-mandated obligations and technical details. 

Project Manager, Regents, HLCE, Academic Calendars

Her specialties:
Regents, Hebrew Language Exam, academic calendars, NYSED regulations & compliance

Tova oversees the professional development contracts with NYC DOE, ensuring compliance and managing all related paperwork. She also coordinates the Yeshiva League Science Olympiad and College Bowl contests and serves as the liaison for the Title Funded Master’s programs at Brooklyn College and Woodmont College.

Project Manager, Academic Contests, Graduate Programs, Title Funded Professional Development

Her specialties:
NYCDOE contracts & compliance, Science Olympiad, College Bowl, Title-funded masters programs

Rabbi Yanofsky provides expert consultation on curriculum design, professional development, and mentoring specifically for our Yeshiva schools.

Yeshiva Relations Consultant

His specialties:
curriculum design, professional development, and mentorship, specifically for Yeshiva schools

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